Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Snow Princess: A Story Told in Photographs with Commentary

"I do understand that I would typically attempt to escape from my residence, but there appears to be an abnormal substance covering the ground. Please eliminate it so that I may commence."

"Why are you carrying me, Mommy? Why does Daddy have the camera? Oh no, this is not one of those 'Let us introduce Ellie to something new' experiences, is it?"


"Oh, this is not as unfortunate as I originally believed."

"I am slightly comfortable."


"...what exactly is this? Snow? What is snow?" 

"Why have you put me here?"

"Perhaps those kind neighbors will rescue me."

"Hello kind neighbors! May I come with you? I am cute!"

"See? I can even applaud! Yay snow!"

"I must say, it is quite interesting up close."

"It does not have a smell. That is unnatural."

"Heh, you must not be expecting me to eat it."

"That is right. You shall remove it from the direct proximity of my face."

"EW! Mommy! Why are you eating things from off the floor? That is solely my duty."

"Well, I guess I shall try a lick."

"Oh, that is frigid!"

"I must graciously deny that offer, thank you very much!"

"What are you doing?"

"Why is it sticking to my fingies?"

"I shall grab more to investigate."

"I do not appreciate its adherence to my skin. Please depart, little snow."

"Well, while I am here, I might as well survey my kingdom."

"I applaud you, beautiful kingdom."

"I shall now attempt to visit you personally."

"That was unsuccessful."

"May I come in, now?"

"I do not like this snow anymore!"

"I am covered in snow, and would like to come inside now."

"Or perhaps those neighbors would kindly rescue me."

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