Thursday, March 19, 2015

Rest in Peace, Dearest Balloons

I have mentioned the balloons that have been residing in my palace in previous entries. Since I last wrote about their existence, they became very dear friends. I took them with me wherever I went in the castle. Sometimes they followed me, even when I was done playing with them. They were a little annoying that way.

As days passed, however, I noticed that the balloons began to become sick. In this picture, you can see Rosalia on the ground. Daddy eventually attempted to give CPR to her, but he lost her, and for some odd reason Daddy gained a high pitched voice and he and Mommy laughed hysterically. 

Eventually their illnesses became so much that this video happened:

Fear not, I was not (permanently) bothered by this incident. I have come to terms with the absence of the balloons, and the toys that filled their absence temporarily in our home. Sometimes, I see balloons in public, and I wave to them, recalling the friends I once had.

That paragraph was simply a very eloquent way for me to say that I completely forgot about the balloons nearly immediately after they departed. I honestly do not know anything about these balloons, I just assumed most of what I wrote based on the photographs. So please do not file complaints against Mommy and Daddy, I do that enough already.

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