Thursday, June 11, 2015

Pad of Splashing, Part II: Revenge of the Bear Crab

After the snack I decided that it was an appropriate time to begin enjoying the pad of splashing. I had been watching other children having fun for a long while and it suddenly became apparent that I could have fun at the pad of splashing as well. I left my suitor behind as I was more interested in being a free soul. He had also attempted to claim all things as his and to tell me "NO!" The silly boy was unaware that all things are inherently mine, but I let him live his delusion and simply gave him a glance which communicated my feelings as ambiguously as possible and moved on to better things. Fret not: I am sure I shall give him another chance very soon.

"Let us move more quickly, Mommy!"

Mommy's finger did not afford me the freedom I deserved, and thus I broke free. In case you were interested, this is the correct means by which one would crawl at a pad of splashing.

I was quite intrigued by the water on the ground, and am fairly certain this is the depth at which all pools should maintain their water levels.

Daddy referred to this as a bear crab crawl, as I moved sideways. I know not to what he was referring, but I suppose bear crabs must be fairly intelligent creatures.

"I rule over this spot..."

"..and this entire pad."

"Yet I find myself suspicious of that spot yonder. I do not like that spot."

I even became adventurous enough to touch the water on my own accord...

...and walked amongst the jets with ease.

Mommy and Daddy later placed more of the white, viscous liquid upon my body. I was much delayed on the presentation of my nap, so now was obviously the time for me to pretend to have renewed my distrust of all liquids.

"I know not to what you are referring, Daddy, but I have never enjoyed water."

"Please, Female Parental Unit; save me from this monster."

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