Wednesday, June 3, 2015

My First All-Nighter

Yesterday evening, I decided that I would like to attempt an age-old tradition of the All-Nighter. I had heard legends tell of this rite, but had never participated myself, as I typically enjoy my twelve hours of rest each night and have for most of my life. Yet my tummy was not its usual, joyful, hungered self yesterday, so a night-long snuggle session sounded superb. I went to bed at my usual time, and fell asleep fairly quickly. Four hours later, however, when I could hear that Mommy and Daddy had finally fallen asleep themselves, I began crying. I did not cease my crying until Mommy was snuggling with me in front of the magic box. When she attempted to put me back down, I resumed my protestations. I could tell that this process was simply going to repeat itself unless I took some drastic actions. So I cried so vehemently that I vacated my stomach onto Mommy multiple times until she returned the favor. Daddy then gave me a bath, and the rest of the night consisted of us sitting up, watching the box, eating crackers, and snuggling. Each time they attempted to put me down, I cried violently, frightening my parents into saving me and returning to our previous activities. Finally, sometime after the sun had come up, I fell asleep on Mommy. Now my tummy no longer feels upset, but I feel very strange otherwise. Perhaps all-nighters are not worth the hassle. We shall see.


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