Saturday, June 6, 2015

Concert in the Park

Yesterday evening we went to a park - thankfully it was devoid of swings - and we sat and listened to music. I know not why we went to a park to do this, but it was nice to see my kingdom. I did not appreciate, however, being suspended above the despicable grass. Mommy and Daddy were able to restrain me from wandering by placing me, bereft of socks, on a chair in grass. I was incapable of leaving my seat as it would have required me to step upon the horrific substance, which I refused wholeheartedly to do. Granted, the removal of my socks was done by me. I despise socks almost as much as I despise grass. Finally, Mommy took pity upon my plight and held me.

"Why are we here?"

"Oh, hello dear camera."

"Pray tell: what are all of these people gazing upon yonder?"

"Should I risk this? It is tickling my toesies!"

"Why have you done this to me?"

"Please save me, Daddy!"

"Excuse me, Madam, but would you kindly rescue me from these monsters?"

"That did not work."

"Must I hold up my feet forevermore?"

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