Saturday, December 20, 2014

Party with the Cousins

Living at both GrandServants' castles means being in a closer proximity to many of the same cousins I had waiting on me at the beach reunion. One of the main ones I got to see was Cousin Hendrick, who I see fairly often. I have started to realize, however, that he is an exceedingly happy little boy until he is placed next to me for a photograph. I do not understand why this is, unless, perhaps, he is intimidated by my beauty. He should not be intimidated; he is an extremely handsome young man. Or perhaps he does not agree with my foreign policies. 

"Oh, goodness, you are not happy!"

"Mommy, why is he always happier away from me?"

"There, there, cousin Hendrick."

"See, Hendrick? This is how they like their Christmas photographs done: Raise your hands to the lights and say HALLELUJAH!"

"Are you all calmed down, now? That is good, but you may not have my dress."

"Are you sure you are better? You look slightly tipsy."

And then, just when we were ready for a picture, Daddy messed up and made it all fuzzy.

Cousin Hendrick has also, as of late, given into the demands of his parents and has started crawling. All present attempted to use him as an exemplar for how I should live my life, but I knew better. Once I start crawling, then my parents will stop carrying me places and expect me to get toys all by myself. I must not allow such a dangerous precedent to be set. I am, however, interested in standing, but only so I can then get closer to their height and seem more regal while demanding things from them.

"Oh, no! You have given in! I warned you about crawling!"

"I refuse to look at such a blatant display of parental control over your life."

"GrandAuntieServant Karen, do you mind distracting me from this horrific scene?"

I also was able to see other cousins, like one of my favorites, Cousin Brooklin.

"Oooh, that looks like a fun toy!"

"This is not a fun toy! Please remove it from my face!"

"Cousin Brooklin, why did you treat me that way?"

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