Wednesday, December 17, 2014


In the last few weeks I have started making a quite unique noise, as recorded by Daddy in the moving picture below.

I apologize for the background noise. This was recorded in a large place which will be written about later. I do not know what Daddy was thinking.

Everyone I see seems delighted by these vocalizations. I was, at first, quite nonplussed as to the reasoning for this excitement, but then everybody started indicating Daddy, claiming he was Dada. This is ludicrous to an extreme extent, as Dada is obviously not Daddy. I sometimes worry that Mommy and Daddy are losing their hearing in their old age. Or their minds.

"My poor, senile parents."

Below is a translation of my royal language into your uncivilized peasant dialect.

Da=That is quite an interesting thought, but I do not believe that there are quite the resources to satiate such a demand. Instead, it may be a better solution to simply give me a toy and/or food.
Dad=Daddy! I love you! Will you please give me a toy and/or food? (or, if he is not around) I miss it when Daddy brings me toys and/or food.
Dada=Fetch me some food and/or a toy, servant.
Da Da = My nappy needs to be replaced. Only a toy AND some food will restore my contentment in this life.
Dadada=I have quite enjoyed obliging to your inherent need for me to grace your arms with my presence, but I have grown tired of the blatant affection and would quite appreciate being returned to the ground where I may control my own destiny. Please supply me with toys and food later.
Dadadadada Da Dadada = Mommy, I love you! Mommy, I do! I'd love you more though if you'd give me food.

This is just a sampling. The royal language is quite complex and is dependent on situation, pitch of my voice, and annunciation, and truly requires the hearer to have the capability to read my mind in order to fully comprehend.

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