Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Rest of the GrandServants' Stay

It has come to my attention that the servants we refer to as Grandma and Grandpa Little are not staying forever. This is most unfortunate. 

"They're not staying forever?? Noooo!"

I am sure not all is lost, however, these servants will most likely be replaced by others. It is disappointing, though, as I was fairly fond of these ones.

"Can we at least keep this one, Daddy? He's quite adequate."

I told you about the first part of my Thanksgiving Day, but the rest of the day had some exciting moments as well. For example, I had the opportunity to watch everyone eat from a sufficient vantage point. 

Mommy made the table look really nice.

I even got a cute name tag for my setting at the table.

"Thank you for the toy! Look, it even has my name on it! That must mean I am free to slobber on it all I want."

The servants were so excited to sit at the same table with royalty that they wanted pictures with me. I obliged.

My family also finally got their act together with my meals and fed me at the dinner table exactly what they were having. I have had sweet potatoes before, but this was sweet potatoes and something called turkey. I ate until my sufficiency was fanciful.

"There is no need to make those funny noises this time, Mommy, I will gladly open my mouth for this delicacy."

"I, Eleanor, Princess of Quite-A-Lot, proclaim all meals from henceforth to be considered Thanksgiving Dinner."

We spent all of the next day shopping. I quite enjoy shopping. Shopping, for all of those who are unaware, is when I am taken out in public to be adored by my citizens and for me to survey my kingdom. I see very little difference between this and all of my other excursions, except the fact that there are more toys which my parents ignorantly refuse to let me munch on.

Yesterday we went to my Aunt Patti's castle. She had a very well-decorated residence.

"We shall obtain this decoration, and this decoration, and do not forget to fetch me this toy...I mean to say decoration."

I was well-loved by everyone there.

"I like this Aunt Patti, may we bring her home as my servant?"

I was fed Thanksgiving Dinner yet again, which was, as always, delectable. They had mistakenly missed feeding me Thanksgiving Dinner the night previously, but that is okay, I only punished them slightly by proclaiming my displeasure with them in public during the Worship Service today.

Speaking of the Worship Service, I was given a new dress to wear today. It was delightful. After we returned home, I was given a funny conical red hat to wear along with it.

"I love this dress but, seriously, whats with this hat?? BAHA!"

 Now Grandpa and I are watching this silly movie called White Christmas.

"Grandpa, why are those men dressed up like women? And how did they get girl voices?"

My grandparents only have one more full day beyond this, and then they will be gone. Tonight my cousin Hendrick is visiting. I look forward to laughing at him some more like last time.

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