Thursday, November 6, 2014

Not-So-Little Family Reunion Day 5: Naps on a Beach and My First Time Swimming

I have been to a beach before, and so when it was decided that we were all going to the beach, I knew exactly the best way to enjoy it.

The beach is such a nice place to sleep.

The melodic Woosh, Woosh, Woosh sounds, the nice shady area my minions set up for me, and the comfy blankets all amounted to a fantastic snooze fest. Who knows what everybody else was doing. Well, I guess I was awake for awhile with people, but I honestly believe that the beach is for sleeping, and everybody who says otherwise is kidding themselves.
When we returned from the beach, Daddy took me swimming for the first time. It was not my favorite at first, but then he set me on a ledge and I realized it was just a big bath tub...with other people in it...and wearing clothes. It didn't make much sense to me at the time, but I could splash, so I was happy.

"Wait, you're telling me that I can splash without needing to be rubbed all over with soap?"

That night we had a party for my great uncle and aunt who are getting married. It was fun, but I really see no reason why what happened below had to occur.

How humiliating.

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