Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Not-So-Little Family Reunion Day 4: Little Chaos Goes On Tour

The next day we went to view some of the local sights. One was the first place where anybody ever had to suffer through flight and the second was a really tall tower called a lighthouse that I was not allowed to go into. I cannot blame them for not taking me into the tower: princesses and towers do not mix well. And I do not quite have hair long enough to let down if I had gotten trapped.
The craziest part about all of this is that we decided to brand ourselves as tourists by wearing matching shirts with an inside joke printed on the front. 

We blended in quite nicely, don't you think?

Before we left, we had a big group picture of us together. It was noisy and Daddy said something about it being like hurting cats. I don't know what trying to get everybody to look at a camera has to do with injuring felines, but I guess he's the photographer and should know.
Of course, the places we were to visit were not right next door, so I found myself getting strapped into a car seat once more. This time, however, I had one of my cousins along with, an adorable and adoring young admirer named Brooklin. She worshiped me well throughout the vacation.
The first stop was the aforementioned location was where the first person experienced being uncomfortable and subjected to a loud noise. I was not impressed, but it included a nice walk.

"This museum has quite bored me; may we please depart?"

 The tower was nice, but I was more interested in spending time with my grandparents and watching all of my other cousins too royal to risk climbing such a tower. 
We then returned to the castle, but Daddy went with some others to see another tower. Why he was so fascinated with those that day and less with me is beyond me.

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