Wednesday, November 12, 2014

House of Helton Day 3: Of Temples and Gardens

We had a lazy morning the next morning. When we did eventually get out the door, we drove again (lots and lots of driving this entire vacation) to a temple so Daddy could get some pictures of the building. He also took a few pictures of me. What was really amazing about this part of the trip was that I discovered that when I am in a stroller, Mommy or Daddy are doing the pushing! I never knew! I thought it was like a carriage where it does it all by itself.

"Have you been there the whole time?"

We then went to these beautiful gardens to get family photos. It was quite regal. If I were to have the perfect place to live, I would like the castle we lived in for a few days, with a few less servants, and those gardens. A nice beach to sleep on would be appreciated as well.

I will look, and I will allow the wave, but I refuse to smile.

There is very little to report on about the next day as all we did was take a couple more flights. I had decided, however, that I had been far too kind and considerate to my parents and others up until this point and decided to vocalize my disgust with flights more vehemently, which they did not appreciate. I did calm down, but not until they had heard all that I had to say.

Since the return home, I have found myself quite happy making life just a little more difficult for my parents. Not terribly so, just enough to show that I am, after all, a baby, a concept I had not fully grasped until being surrounded by other babies.

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