Friday, November 7, 2014

Not-So-Little Family Reunion Day 6: BatPrincess

The next day I got my very own crown to wear for a little while. For some reason, however, all of the other girls did, too. I believe it must be because they were wishing they could be me. I can understand that, but I was still confused in the moment.

"Hey, why is she wearing one, too?"

I got into the pool for a second time, and was again quite wary until Daddy put me onto the step. I was more used to it, but still confused.
The adults and older children had a quite a jovial and raucous time that evening humiliating themselves with games.
So I must admit something. While I am a princess by day, I am also a vigilante superhero by night. Shh, don't tell anyone. They had this activity called a talent show. Very few of the performances were related to talent, such as my father showing off his horrifying falsetto and two men wearing tight pants and dancing, but others showed some considerable talent. For example, one of my cousins played a musical instrument, one of my great uncles twisted balloons into interesting shapes, and my performance. Me, along with one of my adoring fans and my father, all dressed up as BatPeople and beat up an uncle of mine who was laughing in a really deep and scary way. He deserved it, just for that. And for wearing the tight pants later. Few things are more villainous...

Of course, the crowd loved me.

1 comment:

  1. haha - tight pants was awesome. Ellie! Come visit me!
