Saturday, November 15, 2014

Disney on Ice

Mommy and Daddy took me to a wonderful place the other night, full of magic and wonder and children poking me in the eye called Disney on Ice, but before we could get there, we had to experience this thing called "cold". I pray that none of you ever have to experience such a thing. I thought I had felt it before after baths, or during swimming, but none of it was anything like this. It hurt my cute face and hands and I did not know how to make sense of it all. I laughed a few times to try to cover my discomfort, but I quickly felt how the cold was somehow taking control of my body and not allowing my face to react appropriately. My Daddy did all that he could to protect me from the cold, holding me close and bundling up my head and body. He even held my hands to make sure they stayed warm. Yet for some reason he failed to do anything about my beautiful face. I do not know why he did not cover that as well. If he had truly loved me, he would have covered my face with a blanket. Or taken the carriage right up to the door of the Place of Magic and Wonder instead of parking so far away. Mommy said something about getting exercise, which, from my few experiences with that word, means torturing yourself for no apparent reason.
It was all worth it when we arrived and I saw all of these other princesses. They were EVERYWHERE. It was fascinating, and I finally felt that I had found peers in this cold, classless world. I did wonder what regions of my kingdom, however, they had stewardship over, but I never got the chance to talk politics with any of them.

"I see my people, Daddy! How can you expect me to look at the camera when I see other princesses?

We met up with a few people I had met before: my first kiss, and his family. We all went into this cavernous room full of princesses and their families. I thought for sure it must be some sort of senate meeting, but it turned out that it was a wonderful pageant put on for the princesses. There was this large, white patch of ground where all of these people were able to walk and move even when they were not walking. They danced all over the place in quite a romantic way, especially when couples would dance and the man would fling the woman around like I fling my toys. And there were these lights that would go every which way. It was splendid and mesmerizing. 

"Oooh! Aaah!"

The only part that I did not enjoy was near the beginning, when this vehicle spat out sparks and made a loud noise. That was unnecessary, and I will be sure to contact the performers to let them know such. Besides that, I loved transferring my attention back and forth from the performance to My First Kiss and his sister. I actually held his hand briefly. We are taking things slow after that kiss.

First Kiss and me tried to play it cool when his sister got between us.

His sister, however, did not take it slowly when she poked me in the mouth and my eye. I am used to such attention.

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