Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Not-So-Little Family Reunion Day 3: Sitting with a Tooth

The next morning we went to a worship service forever away. I had had quite enough of riding in the carriage, but yet again, nobody listened to me. We arrived there, and as I am used to, everybody wrongfully decided to watch some people up in front of the congregation talk instead of me. So I decided to show off some new tricks: namely, I began sitting up all by myself on my father's lap. I also showed him this weird sharp growth that had started to protrude from my lower gum by biting his finger with it. Everyone was very excited about this, calling it a tooth, and checking for more. I am excited now, too, hoping this means I will be able to bite into chocolate bars like my parents.
After the worship service, we made the long drive back to the castle where everyone worshiped me for the rest of the day. I mean to say that everybody else seemed to have some sort of activities, but none quite as delightful as admiring me.

Note: I have decidedly not progressed any further on that whole sitting business. It was good for a time, but only when it gets me what I want.

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