Tuesday, February 17, 2015

How to Wave Like a Princess

Every one of my subjects has been waving to me, and expecting me to return the favor. I have decided lately that it is time for me to do so. Yet unlike all of these citizens who find it necessary to flap their hands about as if they were sycophantic dancers, I, instead, raise my hand into the air, usually with the palm towards them, in a truly royal manner. Here is a photograph of me waving to the camera. It is not the best wave I have done, but you can understand the basics.

Mommy and Daddy loved this picture, but were disappointed by my hand being in the way of my face. This after them prodding me to wave for quite awhile beforehand. What do they expect out of me?

Here is a better picture that Daddy took of me solely for this diary entry. I found it amusing that he was photographing me solely for the sake of this blog, thus my smirk.

Daddy: Hey Ellie, can I get a good wave for the blog?
Me, in a snobby voice: Oh, you want a good wave?

Waving is now a preferred means by which I can profess my solidarity and camaraderie with Mommy, Daddy, strangers, children in the market, balloons, toys, and videos of myself waving. After all, there is nobody more deserving of a wave than myself.

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