Saturday, February 21, 2015

Crawling: My Valentine Gift to Mommy and Daddy

I am beginning to believe that these people celebrate holidays for the sake of holidays.
Anyway, on the Holiday of Love, I decided to celebrate by throwing my new Belle (a princess) toy around and crawling after her. Now, I know that my fans might falsely believe that I have, as the expression goes, "sold out to the man." I know that you know that I have been delaying this escapade as it was exactly what they wanted out of me, and that it was so very much easier to demand others to retrieve objects that I desired. Yet as soon as I did it, I knew it was completely worth the effort. First, I no longer had to wait for these slothful servants to hand me what I needed. Second, and most importantly, I thoroughly enjoyed their reaction to me crawling. You would have thought that I had discovered how to fly without them holding me in the air!

This picture was taken just before I crawled for the first time. I was very proud of my Belle, and was showing Daddy before I threw her...

...which naturally progressed onto crawling.

They, colloquially speaking, lost their minds! Just witnessing their reactions is the most entertaining part about this whole endeavor.

I do not know who is having more fun with this: me, or Daddy.

Sometimes I get bored with crawling, though, and decide to roll instead.

Either way, the world is now, officially, mine. 

 Mommy and Daddy are now frantically "Baby Proofing", a term which means they are attempting to limit my access to the most intriguing toys in the house. They are silly to believe that they have that sort of power over me.

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