Friday, September 15, 2017


As my vocabulary grows, my ability to communicate what I want does as well. This includes, but is not limited to, demanding to watch television. We do not watch much television, but when we do, such as when I would watch part of a show before bed while having my milk, it is delightful. I was introduced to a show awhile back called Puffin Rock. I fell in love, and whenever television was an option, I demanded "Rock! ROCK!" Then, when that had been watched in its entirety, we moved on to a show titled "True and the Rainbow Kingdom." True was even more delightful, and I craved it constantly. I began waking up in the middle of the night just to demand to watch more, refusing to be consoled until my demands for "TRUE! TRUE! TRUUUUUE!" were answered. For some reason, however, I only did that once or twice before they ceased showing me television before bed at all. Instead, we read a book before bed, and they read books to me if I wake up at night. I know not the reason for the change, but I am becoming accustomed to it. My Dear Sister and I, however, still get to watch an episode of "Daniel Tiger" while Mommy showers in the morning.

She cannot leave us unattended for long, however, before we start getting into trouble.

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