Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Road Trip Day 9: Sleeping on Daddy

The last day that we spent with Cousins Hendrick and Theodore started very early. By the time it came to morning nap time, I was agreeable to being laid down to sleep. When I awoke, however, I found that Mommy and Daddy had leveraged my nap to go on a date. I cursed my weakness, but I was mostly unhappy with my conniving parents. I was sad at first, but directed my pain, instead, on retaliation. When Mommy and Daddy returned, I did not look at them. I continued my quiet play and only recognized their presence by pointing to a spot nearby where I would allow them to sit. It was hard to maintain my rancor for long, however, when snuggles were a possibility. Soon after their return, we again had packed up the car, said goodbye to my cousins, and continued on our journey to the residence of another set of cousins. We stopped along the way for food.

When we arrived, we found that our cousins were not present. By this point, I had had enough of sleeping in strange rooms away from my family, and refused to do so. Instead, I wandered through the house with Boo. I do not believe I have introduced you to Boo before. As you can see in this photograph, Boo is a blankie. I refuse to sleep without Boo and Mneow, my Kitty (not pictured). I am not allowed to chew on Boo, as pieces of its fuzziness will dislodge from it and into my mouth, but I vocally win the argument if Boo is taken from me.

I eventually did fall asleep that night upon Daddy. They had tried many things to help me get comfortable, so I finally took pity on them and ask to be laid upon Daddy's chest. I was asleep nearly immediately.

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