Friday, September 15, 2017

The Ride and Goat Farm

"Will there be duckies?"

Grandma and Mommy recently took My Dear Sister (MDS) and me to a farm. I use this term loosely and only because Mommy and Grandma did, as it appeared to have far fewer animals than Old MacDonald's. What it did have, however, were rides. The first which MDS and I went on was a train ride. I was uncertain. It was a slow train, and only went in a circle. While fascinating, I saw no use in riding it a second time with MDS, as it took me nowhere worthwhile.

I did, however, try riding in an airplane instead. It was a corn airplane, but I was still hopeful it would be safe. While it was, it, like the train, simply returned me to my original destination, only to pass it and return once more just to pass it again. This time, however, as it was an airplane, it went up and down. As you can tell from this photograph, MDS has mastered avoiding paparazzi in a way that I have not yet achieved.

I also rode a horsey. I love my horsey at home, and riding a new one, as you can see, made me nervous. Yet again, the horsey took me nowhere.

Throughout the entire farm, there was plenty at which I could point.


Chick chick!

That thing!

There were, as well, rocks. I love rocks, nearly as much as I love duckies.

MDS and I also toured a maze. While intriguing at first, I did not appreciate the feeling of being lost.

I like this!
I do not like this.

"You know, My Dear Sister and Newfound Playmate Whom I Will Nearly Immediately Forget, perhaps we should, I do not know, just leave, maybe..."

"What is this substance which you had me sit upon, anyway? Is this itchiness supposed to be considered comfortable?"

As stated in the title of this entry, there were goats as well. Mommy and MDS fed the goats by having the goats eat food out of their hands. As I will typically bite the hand of those who feed me, I did not trust the goats to not do likewise. Thus, I found enjoyment in simply standing back and worrying about the fingies of my relatives.

There were a few more portions of the farm which we visited but that I did not understand.

"Is this necessary? I know I am short. I do not need proof."

"Is this another ride? I am still recovering from the last one..."

Thankfully, there were fruit snacks.

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