Friday, October 13, 2017

Dada Farm Date

Daddy and I recently went on another date. All day, I would hear about how Mama and Ella were going to go on a date to see a movie. When I began exhibiting frustration that I would not be joining them, I was informed that Dada and I would be going on a date, and I was quite excited. Not too excited, however, to have a nap, but when I awoke, Dada rushed in and asked if I wanted to go on an adventure. I pointed at myself, ensuring he meant that I was the one to join him on said adventure. When he stated that I was, I began jumping excitedly. We rushed out the door to sit in the car. The long drive, however, was worth it in the end. We arrived at a type of farm, but it, much like the one that I attended previously with rides, seems very much unlike the farms about which I read or sing. There were, animals, of course, but I was unaware that bunnies and kitties were commonly roommates on these farms.

There were also goats, pigs, sheep, chickens, a rooster, and ducks. I have heard that the elderly farmer, MacDonald, also has these animals, so I was less surprised by their presence. I also found the pigs far too excitable to stand near and still feel comfortable. The rooster once flew at me, too, and despite it being in a cage, I avoided him the rest of the time at the farm. Dada and I left the barn for a while to explore the rest of the farm. We went down a dark slide with very little warning, and while I stated it was enjoyable, I was emphatic not to return. In fact, I refused to participate in many of the activities the farm had to offer, including a corn maze (I find no enjoyment in being lost), a pit of corn (I don’t like playing in corn. It’s coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere), and rides. I, instead, stuck to things which could not, in any conceivable way, cause me harm. This reduced my activities primarily to pointing at pumpkins and taking photographs with Dada.

There were even things to put my face in so that I could become a ghost, but I was not tall enough. Luckily, I have a very willing photographer.

When I continued to refuse many of the activities, Dada assumed me to be hungry. I was, but that is not why I refused activities. 

I finally found a safe of ducks to enjoy, despite their distance from me, and a goat that climbed.

I then became quite good friends with the goats, having a whole conversation with them. It only consisted of "Meh" but they seemed to understand what I was trying to relay. I quite enjoyed the goats.

I still had to check in with Dada occasionally, just to make sure I was safe.

Nothing the farm could offer, however, could match the enjoyment I found watching and conversing with baby kitties. Dada seemed confused by me stating that the bunnies were the mamas of the bunnies. This seemed obvious to me, so I do not understand his confusion. For the sake of clarification, the meowing you here in this video is my own. Oddly, the kitties never meowed back.

Mama asked me what I saw on my date. I said "Moo." I realize that I did not see a cow, but this seems odd, as all farms should have cows. Mama, for example, recently said we were going to the pharmacy and I, thinking she meant Farm-acy, excitedly said "Moo?" I was disappointed to find that there were no cows at the pharmacy, either.

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