Monday, July 27, 2015

The Beach

We spent a few days in a land called the beach. This should not be confused with the beach I went to for the birthday party, or the lake's beach, as this is far different. This included much, much more sand, and a few days away from home. I did not appreciate sleeping in the same room as Mommy, Daddy, and the GrandServants, a fact I protested by insisting we played for an excessively long time in the middle of the night, but I did enjoy all of the sights, including walking on a boardwalk, going shopping, and going to the beach itself. I am still uncertain of walking in the sand, but I thoroughly enjoyed playing in it, and the extreme expanse of water which kept attempting to attack me frightened me but a little.

"Is that sand that I am walking upon?"

"I prefer the feel of the sand between my fingers instead of between my toesies!"

"Please do not make me walk upon that sand once more!"

"Ooh, a kite!"

"Why do we not have a beach back at home, Daddy? I demand we have one installed immediately!"

A strange apparition appeared whilst we were playing upon the beach. I attempted to catch it, but I was unable to do so.

On our way home from the beach, we stopped by an odd building in which people talked about two gentlemen who traveled a far distance. I, too, wanted to travel a far distance, and once out of my pram, refused to be placed inside once more. The photos below are the happiest I was in my carriage that day. I presented this flower to my GrandMommyServant, and she was quite appreciative. I have noticed that these flowers sprout forth throughout the grassy portion of people's grounds and not amongst flowerbeds. Why it is they plant them in such odd locations I know not. It must be the most prized of all flora.

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