Sunday, July 26, 2015


Moving has also had the repercussion of attending different worship services. All is mostly the same excepting the new people for whom I may perform. The primary unique portion of this worship service is that Daddy and Mommy come with me to a wondrous place called the nursery after the first bit for which I must sit still. This nursery is magical, as I get to play with other children my same age, eat snacks, listen to a story, color, sing, and there are even BUBBLES! I shall now dissect each individual element. The play time is quite enthralling, and I treat all of the other children with the utmost respect, even when they do not return the favor. Story time comes next. We all sit on chairs and politely listen to somebody. I make sure to sit still, too, for at least the first few moments. I am then whisked over to a table where we color pictures related to the story. I know not the cause, but my dainty attempts at coloring never has the same results as the other children. We then have snacks, and I am sure to always stay in my seat and eat my snacks in the cleanliest manner possible. Next is singing time, during which I sit upon the ground and watch with great interest as the other children and adults sing. Then there are the BUBBLES! I love bubbles so much! I scream with the utmost joy whenever I see them. Mommy and Daddy laugh at my excitement, but I care not: I am happy in nursery. Sometimes my classmates burst into tears, which causes me great confusion: how could anyone be so unhappy at the happiest place in my kingdom?

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