Tuesday, April 5, 2016

"I Hold It!" - Ellie and Ada

Ellie: "I hold it" is how I ask Mommy and Daddy if I can hold Ada. Recently, it has evolved into "I hold it Ada," which I am told is more grammatically correct.

Ada: You're still calling me an "it." I do not appreciate that. I am a princess and should be respected as such!

Ellie: "Shh. It's okay, Ada!" Anyway, I ask any chance I get I ask to hold Ada-

Ada: Whether I like it or not.

Ellie: -and Mommy and Daddy excitedly photograph how "ador'ble" I am.

Ada: Much to my chagrin. I make the most of it, however, by crying as little as possible. I've learned that if this is a battle to see who is the most beauteous princess, I must do my part. The secret is maintaining eye contact with the camera and mentally calling for help.

Ellie: "Ada no princess: Ada bobble. Kiss!"

Ada: That is nonsensical reasoning. Although, now that you mention it, a bottle would be delightful right about now.

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