Wednesday, March 2, 2016

A Few Short Days in the Emerald City - Ellie

There is one portion of my kingdom of which I am especially fond. It is a magical place full of towers, lights, water, and mystical forms of transportation. A long while ago, I visited said City of Wonder to become closely acquainted with a choo choo, and I have been enthralled with them ever since. Then we went again to see a scientific facility full of buttons. To get to the buttons, though, we first had to pass by dinosohs, whom I could only guess guarded the facility from unwanted patrons. I was enthralled at first, but eventually grew to fear these monsters greatly.
I was then allowed to continue on to tour the rest. I found it very informative. For example, who new those odd zoomzooms Daddy calls "helicopters" were so easy to navigate? Or that there were better musical instruments than the ones I have and that my parents have been denying me louder ways to express myself? 

I found this mirror disturbing.

Mommy and Daddy seemed to think that I would enjoy these creatures called butterflies. I did, until one flew in my face. That was inappropriate.

I had to keep moving to make sure I pressed all of the buttons.

Some things were not built for my height, but I touched them regardless.

I can do stairs now.

Papa was nice enough to be my ho'sie.

We returned recently and saw many more wondrous things. 

This is Heather. She was my travel companion.

 First, we went to a waterfall. This was not in Seattle, but was on the same day. 


We then went to see Seattle.

"Why are we here? Seattle is over there. You missed."

Thankfully this park had a birdie and room to run.

When we left the park, it was only because I was promised a lighthouse. I saw no lighthouse, supposedly due to it being closed, and instead got stuck in a stroller.

I was allowed to skip rocks, though, so it was not all bad.

After Alki, we got on a big boat called a ferry. This also afforded me room to run.

"Hi Seattle! I am glad to see that you are closer, now."

Sadly, it was cold outside, so I eventually agreed to go inside.

Before leaving the deck, I made sure to dance my goodbyes.


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