Friday, July 7, 2017

Beach Vacation Day 4

On the fourth day, I woke to find my mother no longer sleeping in my room. Disappointed, I went back to sleep. I woke again, still earlier than usual, and was disappointed to not be allowed to nap before going to church. It was not our church, however, but a different church, which was odd. I also had the attention of all of my family which, while flattering, made it all the more confusing why I was not allowed to wander where I liked. I understand that being the rule in our own church, but why must it be the rule in a new one? I voiced disagreement. Daddy took me to a very boring room until I calmed down enough to realize it was best to return to the chapel and not cry than it was to cry and be taken somewhere so boring. After my post-church nap, we returned to the horrid beach. It was windy again, but less cold. I started my time there much as I had the time previously, by snuggling deeply, despite Daddy's attempt to get me to fly a kite.

Kites are very odd. Somehow people find enjoyment in holding on to something that is constantly trying to pull away from them. It does not move. It does nothing of note, other than sit there at the end of the string. I tried to study it out to understand its allure, but I was unable to do so. Eventually we returned to the water, which is the most interesting part of the beach. Every time the waves came in and splashed Daddy, he would jump, and I could not help but smile and giggle at the hilarity, despite my misery.

While I snuggled a grandma, Daddy and My Dear Sister played with toys. The toys were so tempting to hold that I eventually did the unthinkable: I willingly got onto the sand. Despite my best efforts, I briefly enjoyed the sand.

The sand soon betrayed my trust and covered my foot. It was a grievance so deep that I could not help but break down in tears. I was eventually consoled by being presented with a fluffy shark. All was well once more.

I have named him Sharky.

He is now my favorite fluffy animal.

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