Thursday, July 6, 2017

Beach Vacation Day 3

I woke up even earlier on the third day. How could I not when Mommy was right by my bed? After some napping and getting ready, we went shopping. We first went to a store inside of a shark. It was a fascinating store with many odd items to snuggle.

This shark toy and I have a lot in common: specifically our penchant for biting.

I snuggled fluffy turtles, a fluffy shark, a biting shark, shoes, and family members. It was a delightful store in which Daddy let me wander, despite the fact that all of the displays were close together and taller than me, allowing me ample opportunities to hide in the labyrinth. 

We eventually left that store and went on to more, but these have less worth describing, as I was stuck in a stroller and unable to break things, unlike My Dear Sister, of whom I am extremely envious. We ate out, but I was more interested in exploration than eating, so I forfeited my lunch in favor of pressing my face up against the glass of the dining room. I then went home, napped, and woke up to do the most delightful thing I would do the entire trip: Swam in a hot tub. I know not the cause for its name, as the water was just as warm as my bathwater, but it was much larger, had more bubbles, and allowed for nearly constant snuggles. It was the best of all worlds.

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