Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Beach Vacation Day 1

We just returned from a vacation to the beach. The beach is a horrid place, but we did not visit it this day. No, the first day, we just drove. The day started like any other, with Mommy refusing to let me nap until I had screamed through a trip to a place where Mommy made someone else hold me while she colored a shirt that was not even meant for me. I continued to tell her about her mistake all the way home, despite My Dear Sister, as usual, singing "I Am a Child of God" and telling me it will alright. When we got home, though, Grandma and Papa took me in the car. I slept most of the excessively long drive until My Dear Sister, who was bored with how long it was taking, succeeded in waking me up just so I would suffer, too. We ate at a place that had fries and chicken nuggets that were not chicken nuggets but chicken strips and thus unacceptable. 

I was joyful enough after my nap to still say "Cheese!" for the camera.

We eventually reached a new home, which was not my home, and was told I was to sleep there. I refused until Mommy arrived and I fell asleep in her arms.

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