Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Finding Dowy - Ellie

I recently saw my very first movie I have seen in a special place known as a theater. For those who have never been in a theater - which I assume to be exceedingly unlikely as there were many, many people in the theater - it is a large building with many rooms with big televisions that show movies. The best part, however, is the inordinate amounts of popcorn that is distributed to the patrons. I got impatient waiting for Mommy to get napkins and Daddy to put salt on the popcorn, and decided to head off on my own to find Dowy. I had been told that we were going to go see Finding Dowy, and, having seen Finding Nemo the day before, I knew how much I cared for Dowy, I set out on my own to find her. "DOWY!" I called into every doorway. "DOWY, WHEH AW YOU?" Mommy and Daddy caught up with me, and showed me the way into the correct room. The seats inside were innumerable and full of people with whom I made contact individually. The television was gigantic. I wish our television at home was that large. The movie was delightful, but I had some slight criticisms. First, I was disappointed that the beginning of the movie was disjointed, seemed to have very little to do with the rest of the plot, repeated this odd green screen, and had no Dowy. "Wheh's Dowy?" I asked repeatedly. I was told to wait. So wait I did, snuggling into Daddy and starting into the popcorn. Popcorn is delightful. I like popcorn. I ate it through the entire movie, which lost some of my interest when the popcorn was depleted. When that happened, I spent some time making eye contact with other patrons and kissing Mommy repeatedly. Anyway, the only other issue I had with the movie was the scawy part. Luckily, it was short. Otherwise, I liked it, especially seeing Dowy's Mama and Dadda and making whale noises (OoooOOOooh!). Afterwards, we took pictchohs by some very flat versions of characters from the film.

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