Friday, March 3, 2017


While I love my family, they have some odd ideas about what can be considered "fun." Take snow for instance. I know what rain is, and I do not like it. It is cold. A few times now, including on my birthday, there has been a different substance that has fallen from the sky that I like even less. It is called snow, and it is, somehow, colder and more deplorable. It is exciting to watch fall, I must admit, but I do not like it touching me. One morning I awoke to find the ground covered with a white substance they claimed to be an accumulation of the snow that had been falling from the sky. Yet instead of choosing the obvious option of keeping me indoors where it was warm and snuggling me even tighter, they all thought it would be a positive experience to embark into the cold. My Dear Sister asked me if I wanted to build what she called a "Snowman." I said no. She did not listen. The second worst part of the whole day was the fact that it required me to wear more clothes. I do not like that I have to wear my typical clothes, why would I want to wear more, including a hat? If there is a location that requires me to wear more clothes to stay warm, then you are taking me to the wrong locations. Despite my brief stint in the snow, I did enjoy watching My Dear Sister and Daddy make what they called a "Snowman," which ended up being a lot of work to build a big tower. I have nothing against big towers, I just did not appreciate that I was not the one to tear it down.

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