Monday, August 10, 2015

The Royal Family Announces Another Princess

Mommy and Daddy had an announcement at supper today. I should have known there was some reason for the four GrandServants' presence, but as I have not been feeling well as of late, I simply ignored it. Again, like when the GrandServants first learned of the coming of another child in the family, they were told exciting news through a means I was unable to comprehend.

Cookies were presented in a wondrous color, and while I was excited as well, the excitement shown by the others exceeded that necessary for a treat. Yes, it is true, another princess is coming, but I am unsure how these cookies conveyed that message. I attempted to feign comprehension, but failed.


Now, as I have always spoken to my dear readers with the utmost candor, I must of necessity convey my feelings on having another princess in this family. While I have great anticipation for a more lifelike doll that I may carry about by its neck, I worry that this new princess will attempt to usurp control over this family from my dominance. We shall see.

"I will rule over this child as I do all else."

As this diary is about me, I feel that I should elaborate more upon my illness and not allow some girl that supposedly resides beneath Mommy's shirt to be the focus of this - or any other - entry. I have been feeling quite feverish these last two days, and have allowed myself to be cuddled far more than I am wont to do. This has mysteriously sparked a deep desire of my parental units to occasionally jab a beeping device into my ear and squirt delicious but unwanted fluid into my mouth. I hope that I may get well soon so that I may exact my vengeance upon them. For now it will suffice that I must awake multiple times in the night.

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