Wednesday, October 1, 2014

A Day in the Princess' Office

This is a little transcript about the day I told you about a week or so ago when my Daddy photographed me at work. He is always working at his desk, so I learned really well how I should go about working at my own Princess desk. When he arrived for the photos I was surprised at first as I had not expected any paparazzi that day.
But I welcomed him into my office with a "Hi Daddy!"
I got into work and found myself completely overwhelmed with projects that I had to accomplish.
"Whoa!" I said. "There is a ton of stuff on my plate!" 
Daddy was unhelpful, though, and just kept taking photographs. I cannot complain, however, because he was currently employed as my photographer. So I got to work taking care of official state business.
I eventually accomplished one project and threw it on the ground triumphantly, only to be informed that I still had one more to work on.
I nearly cried under the pressure.
So I would get to work on the next project...
...only to discover that another one had taken the old one's place.
So I just gritted my gums and kept on working.
Occasionally I would look at the clock and wonder how the time had passed so quickly.
"I needed those reports yesterday!" I would yell frantically at my cabinet.

 I do not know why people in power are always yelling at their cabinets, but luckily there were some behind my Daddy I could yell at. I looked at my Daddy for assistance in getting the cabinets to comply. "Can you not do anything about that?"
He would just laugh and keep working. It is probably for the better as I do, after all, outrank him. Whenever I would remember this I would laugh maniacally.
It was quite hilarious to me, so I laughed maniacally for awhile.
Occasionally I had meetings with important people who were still beneath me. "Yes, underlings, what would you like?"I would ask when they entered.
I would most often just stare them down until I got my way.
If I got bored with the meeting, I would have somebody important walk in and give me some official news that would cut the meeting short. "Yes?" I would say, "Yes, that is quite important and requires my attention immediately."
And then I would shoo them away, watching them go to make sure they were completely out the door before I went back to work.
Eventually the hard work wore me out.
I rubbed my eyes...
...Finished my work, and said "Pull the cah around, Chahles" in my best Royal Accent.
Daddy excused himself to become my chauffeur, and I smirked at him as he left, letting him know it was nice working with him.
I then went to bed where I slobbered all over the place and got upset over nothing. All in a normal day of Princess work.

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