Sunday, October 5, 2014

Conference Weekend

I know that I wrote an entry only yesterday, but I have reached some significant milestones and funny stories since then.
Today was the second day of this conference thing that my parents were watching. Last conference that my parents took me to, if you happen to remember, I figured out how to make the world flip so I was on my belly. Well, I do not know if I receive inspiration like my parents do, or if I am just jealous of them looking at something other than me, but I used this conference to learn to flip the world the other way so I can go back onto my back! I have found this tactic to be very useful. My parents hope that this will cease my needless tirades which I do at random times when attempting to sleep on my belly. They really do not understand me.
Then later, Daddy was changing my waste removal garment, and just after he had placed a new one beneath me but had not clasped it on, they began to mock how I drink out of my bottle by waving their arms in the air. So I scooted a little off of the diaper and pooped. Serves them right for not giving me the respect I deserve. You should have seen them trying to figure out what to do with me as I kept on pooping and peeing at the most inopportune moments! It was hilarious! The hardest part was keeping a straight face and acting innocent, especially when they had me lifted up by my legs and I just reached over and grabbed the feces filled clothing beside me.
After they finally got me all cleaned up, Daddy propped me up next to him and let me briefly take notes in his journal. I added what I was learning from the current speaker. He took it away, though, when I kept chewing on the end of the pen. He really shouldn't complain, he does it all the time, too. He later wrote over my very accurate notes as if they were just simple lines across the page.
He also attempted show me how to do something he called a "selfie" with Mommy's phone. Mommy has done these with me in the past, but Daddy was attempting to show me how to do it myself with my foot. I caught on quickly, and tapped my foot on the screen to take the picture. Just before I did so, however, I intentionally ruined the shot by spitting up! Just look at Daddy's reaction in this picture!

I am hilarious! Notice the poise I can keep while pulling pranks like this one.
Do not worry, I was nice to them as well, I even allowed them to cuddle me some as we watched the speakers.

Mommy and Daddy also let me lay around naked for awhile on my belly. I loved it, but for some reason Daddy took pictures of me. I would never let him post those, though! I am a lady, after all.
Princess Ellie
Almost 5 Months

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