Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Princess of Bavaria

My parental units and I recently went to a wondrous land of tall mountains, beautiful buildings, and a sleepless night. The drive in our carriage was of an unknown length due to My Dear Sister and I sleeping nearly the entire ride. When I awoke, there was much hullabaloo about a blue building and horsies. We left soon thereafter and went to eat in a land with wondrous lights. 

We had to wait to eat, a concept I have yet to grasp. Why must one wait to be fed? Should it not be instantaneous? Why must we torture each other so? Yet I am a patient princess (unless it is nighttime) and so I allowed myself to be carried through shops. This was to be a small taste of the next day's activities. Shopping is where we walk through places where there are many objects that everyone except me is allowed to touch. I continue to test this rule, in case someone other than me begins to recognize the hypocrisy behind it. We ate at the restaurant, but I avoided the odd noodles and instead stuck with veggie straws, a new favorite. When we returned to the blue building, we were all expected to sleep in the same room. Whoever thought this was appropriate was sorely mistaken. I required to be rocked to sleep before being laid in the bed which made funny noises when I scratched at it. As I was being rocked to sleep, My Dear Sister refused to be silent. I did, eventually, fall asleep, but awoke in the odd bed multiple times henceforth. We again went into town the next morning, but the shops were closed. Again, we were made to wait. All was well, though, as I had my feet to keep me busy. Daddy drove the carriage out of town, stop, then go, then stop. He did this often enough to keep me from getting comfortable and falling asleep. While sleep evaded me, my feet never can, so I was not terribly disappointed. I was strapped to the front of Daddy for all of the shops. Daddy is cleverer than he looks, and has learned dubious tricks which keep me from being able to grasp the items which I most wish to chew upon. Excepting, that is, the most valuable of objects. In one of the shops, we were treated with chocolate. Daddy granted me a small portion, and then attempted to block me from the rest. As you can see, this theme of withholding food seems to be a trend. Thankfully, I am cleverer, and as soon as I knew how glorious the chocolate was, I was able to shove as much chocolate as I could into my mouth. That chocolate was the highlight of the trip. What more is there to say?

"Hey fella, ya got anymore of that chocolate on ya?"

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