Friday, November 4, 2016

Kangaroos vs Kitties

Sometimes, when Mommy takes me on an outing, I am regaled with the view from a sling placed upon her belly. This position allows me the comfort of being close to Mommy while still seeing all that there is to see. I thought that this was a rare treat only granted to princesses until recently when I saw animals doing the same. These tall animals, called Kangaroos, hold their children in a similar fashion. I believe my position is far more favorable, however, as it allows a better vantage point and greater ease in wiggling. Mommy held one of the said children next to me, and I pet its fur politely. I also pet the tall adults with no fear. Daddy says that kangaroos have been known to really hurt people, but I knew these giants to be gentle creatures. 

Don't you dare expect me to touch a kitty outside, though; I will scream. How dare you even try. Indoors, a kitty is a harmless, gentle, furry creature which I love to pet. Outdoors, they are the most horrifying creatures I have yet discovered. Whenever I see one, I emit many "Hmms" of fear and dread. Daddy even directed my hand to touch a kitty's fur in the wild of my grandparents' backyard. I emitted a squawk of trepidation so immense that Daddy has never tried since. Outside kitties are loathsome creatures and I refuse to be associated with them.

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