Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Candy Solicitation Days

I have recently participated in a holiday that, as far as I can tell, is the greatest of all holidays: Halloween. How could a princess such as myself not enjoy collecting taxes from my willing peasantry? Despite the fact that I was forced to wear ridiculous garb, was not dressed as a princess (again, like last year, Mommy was the princess, and I was not; at lease this year I was fully dressed), and had to collect each piece of candy individually from each hovel, I could not help but bask in the polite acquiescence of my constituency. 

 I hated these wings, but my subjects seemed to appreciate them.

The celebration starts off by dressing up in themed costumes.

I do not, however, know the theme, and neither did many others.

Then all the kingdom gathers together for a dance party. Mommy and Daddy foolishly believed we were meant to eat here as well, but I insisted on never sitting still long for them to attempt to feed me.

Next, we hide in a room until it is time for all miniaturized people known as children to go about collecting taxes. I know, of course, that all others feigned their collections and my citizens did, in fact, hand me my dues. I appreciated their motion to make me feel more comfortable through their pretending, however, as it is somewhat embarrassing demanding taxes in person, and it is more fun to do with a crowd.


During this waiting period, there is no greater way than to revel in the glory of candy.

Then comes the solicitation. I could not believe how easily the world obliged to the simple request. I need not say a word to receive candy, despite the urging of Mommy and Daddy. I did, however, wave whenever Daddy told me to say "Thank you."

The final step is to repeat the process outside the next night.

Unlike the first night, it the whole of the proceedings are outside, which required quite a bit of assistance from Daddy.

Thankfully, I had cousins on hand to request that I be allowed to select my own candy.

 The walk up to the doorways were quite long, too. Daddy carried me between the abodes, but would place me upon the ground and allow me to walk up to the doorway. As soon as my feet were upon the ground, I would yell "GO GO GOOOO!"  Yet, inevitably, something more interesting would distract me from my goal halfway to the door.

Daddy was always there, however, to guide the way. 

"Please, kind sir, let us cut the pleasantries: Have you any chocolate?"

Finally, it is time to sort through the taxes for those which are worthy of my consumption, namely...


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