Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Mommy and Daddy have, as of late, become very anxious regarding my lack of walking. What they have not realized, however, is that I see very little reason for me to master the art of walking, as they can do the walking for me. I appreciate the freedom afforded me by crawling, but if I wish to move more quickly or reach higher, I simply ask for their assistance. With this increase in their anxiety, however, I am now being asked to practice walking to an excessive degree. At church, at home, and abroad I am expected to walk while holding their hands. I disagree with this approach, and voice my opinion vociferously. Yet they persist, and I, eventually, acquiesce. Once I get into the walking it is not so intolerable, but why must I walk in the first place? Now they expect me to walk without any assistance. This is something I can do for short distances and they, sadly, have noticed this on the odd occasion. So the incessant demands for me to walk from Mommy to Daddy and from Daddy to Mommy have begun. I now realize, and resign myself to the fact, that, despite my best efforts, my days as a carefree infant are over, and my evolution into the toddler is nearly complete.

I guess I can be a toddler now.

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