Mommy and Daddy have always insisted I participate in a weekly activity known as Family Home Evening. This is where we would gather together in the living room, exactly like every other night, but on this night they would pray while I giggled at them. Then they would talk about their plans for the week as I attempted to gain their attention, and finally they would read to me from a book that I, try as I might, failed to destroy. I also failed at grasping the importance of this activity. Now that we live closer to GrandServants, I now know what it is that Mommy and Daddy were missing in their family home evenings: baskets of peculiarly shaped items and a framed painting of Jesus.
"I know the word 'Stop!' It is the word Daddy says when he wants to chase me. I dutifully run as swiftly as possible in the opposite direction."
The first week that we did a proper Family Home Evening, I was presented with the painting of Jesus and asked to place depictions of heads upon it. I know not the reason, but I obeyed.
"Yes, I understand that Jesus loves Mommy, but to whom does this disembodied head belong?"
"Does Jesus love Mickey?"
"...but Daddy has a beard..."
GrandMommyServant enjoys attempting to direct my play during these activities. I appreciate the time together, and being informed that I am loved, but I always gently remind her that I am in control.
Now, whenever I visit their house, I demand that the GrandServants immediately lower Family Home Evening that I may carry the baskets about and organize accordingly.