Thursday, September 6, 2018

Coming Home - Wesley

I loved being brought home from that terrible place. I was finally able to be cuddled without being poked or prodded. I mean, my sisters continued to poke and prod me plenty, but at least it didn't break the skin. Usually.

They seem to be very interested in me. I must agree, I am pretty great, but the amount of attention can become a little overwhelming. For example, what is up with the wig?

They are fairly helpful, though. Pictured below is one of the sisters teaching me about princesses. Apparently it's a really important piece of knowledge to have, since it's the first thing they taught me about. And it's the main thing they talk about all day. And the songs they listen to are all sung by princesses. One of the princesses is a pony. I don't quite understand the regal line of equines, or where their kingdom exists... Am I being ruled by ponies? How did an animal ridden by people come to rule people? Did they become intelligent and revolt? Was there a Dawn of the Planet of the Ponies?

I find it easier to imagine I'm being ruled by humans with giant eyes and impossibly thin waists whose dresses clip on.

They also help in many more practical ways, such as helping me to burp. There are times, though, when they attempt to burp me when I don't need to burp. So they keep hitting. And hitting... No, really, it's great.

They also play with me, which is delightful, although I sometimes doubt their altruism.

My Father made it a point to have me watch a show called Star Trek that night. Apparently it's a tradition for all of his children to watch it the first day they get home. I was happy to be welcomed so warmly.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Storm Trooper AD-421 - Ada

Sometimes we play Star Wars. It appears to be a deeper and more complex game than most, as I struggle to understand its intricacies. It has princesses, knights from Jedi, plastic extendable sticks called lightsabers, and squarish toys that require you to do all of the hard work of saying "Psshh!" Dada, Sissy, and I played it recently, and, since I prefer to play with the wooden stick that holds the back door closed instead of the lightsabers, I chose to be the bad guy called a storm trooper and chase Sissy and Dada around. Dada would, at times, turn around and tickle me with the lightsaber, but I vehemently told him no. The good guys are not to fight the bad guys, they are only to be chased by the bad guys. I might not understand anything else about this game, but I can at least control that part.

Vocabulary - Ada

My vocabulary continues to grow. I am able to communicate many things, including a few shown here. Whenever Mama asks about my diaper, I tell her "All dry!" Whenever I am told to say cheese for a photo, I say cheese. This video does little to show all of the other things I can say, such as "I hold medicine," "I go church," and "All done!" I can say many more sentences specific to the situation, including most of a prayer with very little assistance. What this video does demonstrate, however, is how adorable I am.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Leaves! - Ada

I love leaves. They are like rocks, but easier to carry and find, and Mama and Dada get as excited about me picking them up as I do.

10 Tips to Ruining a Family Photography Shoot - Ada

Tip 1: Start the crying as early as possible.

Tip 2: Cuddle. It seems like a good idea at the time, but it always looks awkward in photographs.

Tip 3: Mess up your own hair. If you do not have enough to mess up adequately, mess up your mother's.

Tip 4: Refuse to look at the camera. This can get difficult with the constant "Look over here, Ada!" so you may need to use props to help distract yourself.

Tip 5: Do not cease the complaining.

Tip 6: Just leave.

Tip 7: Only look adorable when everyone else looks ridiculous.

Tip 8: Lift up your dress.

Tip 9: Scoot just enough to one side to ruin the shot.

Tip 10: Scream every time you are picked up.

Rejoice in their defeat.

Eviction - Wesley

Up until recently, I had perfect accommodations. Just look at them:

Not bad, huh?  Sure, it was cozy and cramped, but I never let that bother me; I moved and stretched as if the walls were of no consequence to me. It was also very warm, and warmth is most important to me above all else. Thus, when the walls of my room began to close in and push me out, I would fight back until the squeezing would cease. This continued for some time until, suddenly, the warm liquid I was floating in left. Suddenly, my accommodations were more cramped than ever, and kept getting more cramped. I could feel myself being pushed out. I held on the best I could, but despite my best efforts (which included pretending that the eviction was causing my heart rate to drop) I was begrudgingly shoved into this cold world.

If it was not for the near immediate cuddles, I would have assumed that all was lost. As it was, I got warm fairly quickly with all of the snuggles, and my need for heat was placated. This is when I was able to meet the owners of the voices I had heard so often. 

I found it odd to discover that I had been living inside of one of them, but it bothers me little. They hold me close and keep me warm, so I might as well be inside them, anyway. Soon, more people came to snuggle me.

I am told they are my grandparents and thus very important to me. I figure that as long as they wish to keep me warm I love them very much. The only people I have met so far that cause me any worry are the two princesses who tell me they are my Sissies. It's not that they don't love me; it's that they love me a little...too much.

It was not, however, all cuddles and warmth. Periodically, a monster would enter the room and stab me. The picture featured below was just one of the stabbings - most were in my foot, and the monster admitted its purpose was specifically just to make me bleed.

Eventually, the warden said that the experiments being performed on me were complete and that we were allowed to leave.